Midwest Knit Girl

Baby Shower Games

Posted on: February 4, 2008

I’ve got the games all figured out for the baby shower on the 17th and I think it’s going to be a lot of fun. Now to get it all printed up and ready to go!

I did some searching online and there are a LOT of ideas, let me tell you. I finally boiled it down to the following plus a few other drawings.

1. Unscramble game with baby items – if you’ve ever attended a baby shower you’ve done this, it’s a traditional favorite.

2. Farm animal tic tac toe – this is going to be so much fun! You set up 9 blank squares, 3 x 3, on a piece of paper. Then when you start the game you tell everyone to write a number between 1-20 (only once) in each of those squares. Then you tell them to write on the paper their favorite farm animal. Now, everytime a number the person has is called, that person has to make that farm animal sound! The first person to get a tic tac toe is the winner.

3. Nursery rhymes – this was a good idea and so simple. All I did was find 8 nursery rhymes and put all 8 on a page but with the very last line of each missing. The point of the game is to fill in that last line.  Whoever gets the most finished correctly in a certain amount of time is the winner.

4. This game was suggested by the mommy-to-be: it’s a twist on the usual bring the tray around with the baby items on it and then when the tray is taken out of the room you need to write as many things as you can remember that were on the tray. The twist is that they will need to remember things about the mommy-to-be who will be bringing the tray around but they won’t know that until the tray and mommy leave the room. Such as – was Mel’s hair up or down, how many earrings is she wearing, what color was her shirt/sweater, etc.

5. The standard but always funny take a piece of string or toilet paper and see if you can guess how much it will take go to go around mommy-to-be’s tummy.

6. We’ll have a candy jar with blue candy in it, people get to guess how many candies are in the jar. Whoever has the best guess wins the candy and the jar.

7. The diaper game – each guest will get a little diaper pin. One pin will have a dirty smudge inside it, at the end of the shower everyone opens it up and whoever has the dirty one wins a door prize.


If anyone has a fun door prize idea, leave a comment. If I use your idea, I will send you a skein of sock yarn from my stash. 🙂

5 Responses to "Baby Shower Games"

I’ve got it. Give a five dollar gift card to some where,
McDonald’s, Starbucks, Panera Bread. All women like to eat for five bucks I can stop for breakfast one the way to work or pay for my lunch…

I can do you one better – have you seen the picture purses, not the ones you stick the picture in to poucj on the side. My bags have the picture printed on the bag. If interested I will give you 25% of a coin purse.. Visit me at http://www.PictureMyPurse.com

Good games. At my sister’s shower a bunch of diapers smeared with various substances (peanut butter on one, chocolate bar on another, etc) were passed around. Whoever got the most correct guesses won a prize. Good door prize, hmmm. A pot of tulips or daffodils (they’s in the grocery stores already) or maybe some nice candles.

LOVE the diaper game idea – that’s a riot! Door prize…all I can come up with is a “brag book” photo album or maybe a picture frame.

A cute door prize idea is a gift bag with some tea sachets in it – “for the baby “BREWING” in the tummy” hee hee… Also – another cute idea is some places have small little tiny vases with earth & some seeds and you give them out (they’re like palm size – maybe Michaels has them or something)… and you can have them “plant the seed” LOL… another cute one is handing out popcorn bags (Orville now has small mini bags) and you can write on them “So-and-so (baby shower person) is about to POP”….!

Ok, those are my 3 ideas… 🙂 Let me know if you use any of them!!!

[…] Don’t forget about the contest at this post, scroll to the bottom: Baby Shower Games! […]

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February 2008
